AHP-310.ZIP 104,473 12-19-93 ANALYTIC HIERARCHY PROCESS (AHP), Rel. 3.10Uses a proven analytical method to aid indecision and problem analysis. Helps you toquantify subjective or intangible factors.Applications: location planning, strategicplan
ARITEMZ.ZIP 101,326 08-22-93 Detail DAYO Sales Summary for Customer
ARSM102.ZIP 182,952 01-29-94 Auto Repair Shop Management system
ARVEND.ZIP 95,041 08-22-93 DAYO <Special Report> Detail sales by vendor
AR_SIM11.ZIP 188,207 12-04-93 Very easy to use Accounts Receivable programfor those who do not require invoicing. Auditrail, trial balance, on-line help, on-linelook- ups, customer statements, mailinglabels, user-defined transaction codes, fulln
AS321SW.ZIP 90,267 11-27-93 Appointment Scheduler v3.21; Small businessor personal appointment scheduling program.7:00am to 11:00pm in 15 minute increments.Print schedule, pop-up calculator and muchmore. Copy, Cut, and Paste options.
ASCTO123.ZIP 53,455 12-19-93 ASCTO123 v1.1; Invaluable utility for thepower spreadsheet user. The ASCII To 1-2-3File Translator program (ASCTO123.EXE)converts fixed field ASCII text files (suchas database files downloaded from amainframe) into
AUCTION.ZIP 47,669 01-28-94 AUCTION v1.0; An easy way to run an auction-You make a list of items to auction. Printsbid list for use during the auction. As eacitem is sold, enter the amount bid & thebidder's number. Prints a bill for eachbidde
BAS16.ZIP 316,793 12-19-93 BUSINESS ACCOUNTING SYSTEM v1.6 The BA is anaccounting software designed especially fora small service or consulting business. Itpeforms invoicing, tracks and reportsrevenues and billings, accounts receivable,and bu
BBASE11.ZIP 149,194 06-08-93 Business Base is a business data system whicprovides a format for easy electronic recordkeeping. for all small and home businessoperators.
BBK20.ZIP 211,271 11-15-93 OWL Basic Bookkeeping 2.0: Very easy to usebookkeeping system for small businesses andindividuals. NO ACCOUNTING EXPERIENCE ISNEEDED. Tracks income and expenses usingsingle entry bookkeeping as recommended bythe IR
BIZPLN29.ZIP 271,357 01-18-94 BUSINESS PLAN MASTER v2.7; Every businessneeds a business plan, Fortune 500 or Mom &Pop. Investors demand them! These completetemplate files will save weeks of time. Allfinancial reports and analysis (cash flow,inco
BLA_1.ZIP 266,902 02-04-94 BOTTOM LINE ACCOUNTING v2.e; Main & Configfiles Fully integrated 8 module accountingsystem. No hassel software designed for theNON-ACCOUNTANT business person. Menu-driven,context sensitive help, complete reports.Re
BLA_3.ZIP 304,733 02-04-94 BOTTOM LINE ACCOUNTING v2.e; Reconcil &Financial Utilities. Requires BLA_1.ZIP andBLA_2.ZIP files. Integrates with GeneralLedger. Balances your checking accounts.Financial Utilities include: calculatesloans, bond
BLA_4.ZIP 183,771 02-04-94 BOTTOM LINE ACCOUNTING v2.e; AccountsReceivable Requires BLA_1.ZIP and BLA_2.ZIPfiles. Integrates with General Ledger. 4000customers, unlimited trans, invoices,statements, pre-printed or blank forms,finance charge
BLA_5.ZIP 182,984 02-04-94 BOTTOM LINE ACCOUNTING v2.e; AccountsPayable Requires BLA_1.ZIP and BLA_2.ZIPfiles. Integrates with General Ledger. 4000vendors, unlimited trans, manual or computerchecks, discounts, partial payments, 8payment sel
BLA_6.ZIP 226,308 02-04-94 BOTTOM LINE ACCOUNTING v2.e; Payroll ModuleRequires BLA_1.ZIP and BLA_2.ZIP files.Integrates with General Ledger. Automaticdeduction calculations, user modifiable taxtables, override options manual or computercheck
BLA_7.ZIP 298,828 02-04-94 BOTTOM LINE ACCOUNTING v2.e; Inventory &Point-of-sale modules. Requires BLA_1.ZIP anBLA_2.ZIP files. Integrates with GeneralLedger. Inventory and Point of Sale. Up to10000 Inv Items, FIFO, LIFO, STD and Unitcostin
BMANAGEA.ZIP 345,277 12-13-93 FINANCIAL FREEDOM BILLING MANAGER V2.0 <ASP>Unlimited customers, three invoice printingformats, creates mailing lists and printsmailing labels, report sorting and sub-totaloptions, online help, over 10 reportingopti
BOOK12D.ZIP 287,373 08-21-93 P&H BOOKKEEPER 1.2D <ASP> Simple bookkeepingsystem for small business. Income/expenditurrecording, unlimited categories andbank/petty cash accounts, VAT reporting andestimate and invoice functions. Easy to usemenus
BPLAN35.ZIP 186,741 01-13-94 B/PLAN DEVELOPER v3.5; Write A Plan Like APro & Save $$$$...the goal is to get yourproject funded. B/Plan Developer helps youcreate a "market driven" and "investorcentered" business plan that attracts money.REGIST
CARDCK.ZIP 2,651 07-13-93 Verifies credit card number for Point-Of-Salapplications.
CASHC10.ZIP 238,728 06-01-93 Cash Control Ver. 1.0 1st Release <ASP>CC is a personal or small business checkbookprogram designed for those who find mostfinance programs confusing. It is loadedwith features for small business yet simpleto le
CATALG30.ZIP 345,451 07-01-93 CATALOG-ON-A-DISK v3.0; It's easy for yourcustomers to order from yourCatalog-On-A-Disk(tm) catalog using a fewsimple keys. Calculated order form is sent tprinter or disk to be sent by mail, phone,fax, or modem.
CCCHKR.ZIP 66,258 08-13-93 Credit Card Checker: validates credit cardnumbers in your order entry programeliminating any errors in transposing creditcard number when taking orders on the phone,may it be the callers mistake or the orderentry pe
CJPOS187.ZIP 292,557 03-10-94 CJPOS is a complete point-of-sale program fosmall businesses. This EXTREMELY easy-to-useprogram will write invoices or estimates,track inventory and salespersons, performsales analysis for any period, accountsreceiv
CM300SW.ZIP 141,253 11-27-93 Contact Manager v.3.0; A mouse aware contactmanagement tool for small to mid-sizebusinesses and individuals. Zip code sortinglabels, mail merge, comments, 3 contactnames/phones/titles, follow-up date, topicsand grou
CMTS33A.ZIP 278,154 10-10-93 CMTS v3.3 [1/3]; The best church managementsystems available at any price! Modules formembership, donations, fund accounting,visitation, attendance, and an optionalreport writer. CMTS33B.ZIP and CMTS33C.ZIPalso re
CMTS33B.ZIP 346,822 10-10-93 CMTS v3.3 [2/3]; The best church managementsystems available at any price! Modules formembership, donations, fund accounting,visitation, attendance, and an optionalreport writer. CMTS33B.ZIP and CMTS33C.ZIPalso re
CMTS33C.ZIP 350,250 10-10-93 CMTS v3.3 [3/3]; The best church managementsystems available at any price! Modules formembership, donations, fund accounting,visitation, attendance, and an optionalreport writer. CMTS33B.ZIP and CMTS33C.ZIPalso re
CONTRACT.ZIP 156,484 08-21-93 This electronic book contains things the IRSlooks for in classifying a worker as anindependent contractor.
CRIBSHET.ZIP 60,255 09-15-93 Accounts Receivable is a state-of-the-artprogram that doggedly tracks receivables.The program prints invoices and statements ostandard 8 1/2 x 11 inch letterhead stock fouse with window envelopes. AccountsReceivabl
DAYO.ZIP 10,108 03-05-94 Describes The Many Features Of Dayo andAssociated Add-On Modules
DAYOAD.ZIP 98,129 08-22-93 DAYO AR - Accounts Receivable Documentation
DAYOAE.ZIP 265,595 08-22-93 DAYO AR - Accounts Receivable program
DAYOBE.ZIP 191,499 08-22-93 DAYO Price Books program & documentation
DAYOBI.ZIP 265,779 08-22-93 DAYO Billing & Invoicing programSubstitute to POS)
DAYOPE.ZIP 265,896 08-22-93 DAYO POS - Point of Sale program
DAYOQE.ZIP 246,490 08-22-93 DAYO Update & ConversionRequired for ALL new updates!
DAYORD.ZIP 137,758 08-22-93 DAYO Smart Reports documentation & sample re
DAYORE.ZIP 330,164 08-22-93 DAYO Smart Reports program
DAYOSE.ZIP 206,521 08-22-93 DAYO Shipping Log program (no documentation)
DAYOUE.ZIP 128,232 08-22-93 DAYO Quotes program & documentation
DAYOXE.ZIP 163,877 08-22-93 DAYO Database Index utility
DAYOZE.ZIP 242,106 08-22-93 DAYO Order Entry program
DMREPORT.ZIP 25,266 11-04-93 An Insider's Guide and Introductory'Briefing' on How To Get Into the ExplodingDirect Marketing Industry With MinimalInvestment...and Start Earning $5,000 a Mont(or more) Within a Matter of Weeks!
DTVPROFT.ZIP 13,891 11-04-93 How to start & profit from desktop videobusiness.
EAM13.ZIP 8,056 07-25-93 ENDS AND MEANS v1.3; Find out how long itwill take you to earn a million bucks!Software that's free, find out how YOU cansupport your local shareware developer!
EASY_A.ZIP 140,264 11-11-93 EASY AGENT 1.46 - Calculates! Sales/PurchaseCosts, Loan Payments, Amortization SchedulesSellers Net, Buyers cost, (Oct 1992) FHA DowPayments, Balloon Notes, ARM Monthly Paymentand Early Payout savings. Prints! Net Sh
EEBOND10.ZIP 378,558 08-13-93 EEBond v-10.0; Maintain Serial-NumberedRecords of your Series EE and E Savings Bondand US Savings Notes. Compute the RedemptionValues for Dates Between 09/01/93 and12/31/93. Now Includes Mouse Support andProgram Su
EFFACT14.ZIP 157,881 10-05-93 EFFECTIVE ACTION v1.4; Take Effective Actionon any issue Best strategies of mosteffective groups Step by step thru theprocess of setting up Avoid the most commonmistakes Minimize the use of confrontationRaise concer
ESA200.ZIP 159,113 01-01-94 EMPLOYEE SCHEDULING ASSISTANT v2.0; Yearlyscheduler targeting organizations that havemostly full-time employees. Keeps track ofvacations, workshifts etc. Daily notes foreach employee and date. YTD stats on demand.10
ETAX.ZIP 95,069 10-13-93 E-TAX - ELECTRONIC TAX TRANMISSION TO I.R.S.Approved tax transmission program for anyonewith a modem, fax, or phone. If you use acommerical tax program to prepare, thenconsider useing E-TAX to transmit. Lowestthir
ETF1099.ZIP 161,507 11-14-93 Electronic Tax Filing 93 1099 series v1.3;Full-featured software package for filingyour tax returns electronical- ly to the IRSMartinsburg Computer Center.
ETF93A.ZIP 294,175 11-14-93 Electronic Tax Filing 93 v1.2 [1/2]Full-featured software package for filingyour tax returns electronically to the IRS.Handles all forms, schedules, statements andeven comes with an 8453 form!
ETF93B.ZIP 72,164 11-13-93 Electronic Tax Filing 93 v1.2 [2/2]Full-featured software package for filingyour tax returns electronically to the IRS.Handles all forms, schedules, statements andeven comes with an 8453 form!
EZ_PAY.ZIP 534,683 01-13-94 EZ PAY: Accounts payable, income expenses,
EZ_PSAMP.ZIP 23,094 01-14-94 SAMPLES FOR EZ PAY: Accounts payable, incomeexpenses, wages
FRANW94A.ZIP 35,343 11-16-93 ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════║ Franchise Opportunities, Winter 1994A. If║ you want to start a business with low risk║ a franchise may be the way to go! This║ program contains information on many well-
FREON11.ZIP 243,620 11-13-93 Freon Manager helps refrigeration servicecompanies achieve compliance with the CleanAir Act of 1990 by maintaining control overrefrigerant inventories. Program featuresinclude databases for refrigerants, inventoracq
FRT173.ZIP 360,932 09-21-93 Freight+ UPS Rate Look-UP - is a memoryresident UPS rate program which willcalculate all UPS rates, Insurance, COD,Saturday Delivery, Oversized charges etc.
FUND41.ZIP 124,280 07-16-93 Track-Graph-Analyze Fund Performance - HooksTo Prodigy online service
HEM22.ZIP 151,517 08-30-93 Hours/Expenses/Miles v2.2; Great forsalespersons and consultants. Easy to use.Keeps track of billable hours, expenses whilon the road, and mileage to be reimbursed.Exports to spreadsheet or databases. Usesinternat
HTMAN_10.ZIP 115,327 11-08-93 HORTMAN v1.0; Horticultural Manager, softwarmanagement tool for the horticulturalprofession. The wise gardener keeps anup-to-date notebook for all seasons, HortManretains your notes for each plant and compila list o
HTMAN_11.ZIP 134,370 02-04-94 HORTMAN v1.1; Horticultural Manager,software management tool developed for thehorticultural profession. The wise gardenerkeeps an up-to-date notebook for all seasonsHortMan will retain your notes for each planand c
ICP95-1.ZIP 318,406 08-16-93 ICP v9.5 [1/2]: Very powerful and completeinventory management system. Includes moduleto sell, order and receive inventory. Trackspurchase orders and automatically addsinventory to the re-order report when thecount
ICP95-2.ZIP 312,422 08-16-93 ICP v9.5 [2/2]: Very powerful and completeinventory management system. Includes moduleto sell, order and receive inventory. Trackspurchase orders and automatically addsinventory to the re-order report when thecount
INT229.ZIP 145,160 08-23-93 THE INTEREST ANALYZER v2.29; Producesprofessional schedules and illustrations forsavings, annuities, loans, mortgages anddepreciation. Flexible with variable depos-its, withdrawals, payments, interest rates,and com
INV30.ZIP 349,024 07-24-93 The Invoice Store v3.0; AReceivables/billing/POS system that is veryeasy to learn and use, but is also verypowerful. It is ideal for any business thatrequires Product-Service-Time Billing or POSSupports customers, v
ITEMRPTZ.ZIP 101,205 08-22-93 DAYO List of Customers that boughtan Item (Summary)
JOBNET2.ZIP 116,169 01-12-94 JOBNET v2.0; Put your skills to work makingMONEY. JobNET is a 1-800 directory of themost active, aggressive, and high profilecontract service firms in industry. Designefor professionals, JobNET lets you access, ia
KSPIN.ZIP 83,048 01-06-94 Spin Plot for KWIKSTAT (ver 3.3 or higher)allows you to interactively view data inthree dimensions -- this is astate-of-the-art feature usually found onlyin $1000 dollars packages. Manually rotatethe plot along the
KSTAT33A.ZIP 281,191 01-01-94 KWIKSTAT v3.3 [1/3]; Allows you to analyzeand graph business & scientific data. 1992SIA winner. Recognized as the best, most welknown, professional & complete data analysispackage. Dr. Filefinder says "No program I'v
KSTAT33B.ZIP 307,050 01-01-94 KWIKSTAT v3.3 [2/3]; Allows you to analyzeand graph business & scientific data. 1992SIA winner. Recognized as the best, most welknown, professional & complete data analysispackage. Dr. Filefinder says "No program I'v
KSTAT33C.ZIP 186,149 01-01-94 KWIKSTAT v3.3 [3/3]; Allows you to analyzeand graph business & scientific data. 1992SIA winner. Recognized as the best, most welknown, professional & complete data analysispackage. Dr. Filefinder says "No program I'
LAWSUITP.ZIP 48,185 09-24-93 Lawsuit and Asset Protection: This is a hottopic these days, nearly a fad. You need tobe extremely careful-- the waters are full osharks. You can protect yourself, but youdon't necessarily need a shark with "attorne
LDT10.ZIP 432,390 11-20-93 The Lawyer's Desktop; Complete Law OfficeAutomation product that tightly integratesthe following modules: Case/Matters,Calendar, Docket, Contacts, Time and billingand a DOS Shell.
LOGBOOK.ZIP 110,574 06-02-93 LOG BOOK MANAGER; Excellent choice forkeeping any kind of equipment oractivitylogs. The ability to subdivide thelog entries into index categories allows youto better organize your log, whilemaintaining chronological
MASS15_A.ZIP 253,315 01-07-94 MASS RETAIL SALES v15.0 [1/2]; SmallBusiness P.O. Sale & Inventory- The MASSRetail Sales program can be used by smallretail outlets who want to get control overtheir inventory and sales records using a PCIt tracks
MASS15_B.ZIP 201,710 01-07-94 MASS RETAIL SALES v15.0 [2/2]
MASS20_A.ZIP 253,321 01-07-94 MASS WORK ORDERS v20.0 [1/2]; Work Tracking& Parts Inventory Program- The MASS WorkOrders program can be used by engineering ormaintenance departments to track requests fowork to be performed. It uses Work Orders to
MASS20_B.ZIP 136,904 01-07-94 MASS WORK ORDERS v20.0 [2/2]
MC140SW.ZIP 391,520 11-27-93 Master Control v.1.40; A mouse awaremanagement tool for small small to mid-sizebusinesses and individuals. Includes ourpopular Contact Manager and Appt. Schedulerprograms and adds a File Manager,Applications Launche
MDS.ZIP 448,604 10-19-93 MDS OBRA ASSESSMENT TOOL v3.1 Completequality control program featuring MDS facesheet,MDS resident assessment,MDS Quarterlyreview RAP summary,Individual resident DataSets. MDS care screening ,OBRA Inhousereports
MEDLIN.ZIP 266,407 01-04-94 MEDLIN ACCOUNTING 1994 versions! Five fast,easy to use accounting programs- Five fast,easy to use accounting programs for the smalbusiness. PC-GL Ver. 3.8 Double Entry GeneraLedger. PC-AR Ver. 4.3 Accounts Receivable
MONEYWOR.ZIP 273,530 07-27-93 MoneyWords is a comprehensive, easy-to-read,and practical online guide to the language obusiness on Main Street USA. its entriesdefine every type of business concept, term,& technique that you are likely to comeacro
MOTEL152.ZIP 341,621 12-06-93 MOTELMAX v1.52; Hotel/Motel B&B or ResortManagement- Check-in, front desk, accountingroom inventory, point of sale, guest historyaudit trail, general ledger and many manyreports. Standard version manages up to 50roo
OAW94A.ZIP 52,347 11-16-93 Opportunity Awaits! Winter 1994A. Start yourown business! Whether you want to run a minigolf course, sell shoes, or even balloons,this program has information that can helpyou get started. It has hundreds of sources
OMS23A.ZIP 332,647 11-15-93 OMS v2.3; Organizational Management Systemfor non- profit organizations. Modules formembership, dues and contributions, and fundaccounting, with an optional report writer. Extensive mailing capabilities, tracks dues
OMS23B.ZIP 309,894 11-15-93 OMS v2.3; Organizational Management Systemfor non- profit organizations. Modules formembership, dues and contributions, and fundaccounting, with an optional report writer. Extensive mailing capabilities, tracks dues
OMS23C.ZIP 229,817 11-15-93 OMS v2.3; Organizational Management Systemfor non- profit organizations. Modules formembership, dues and contributions, and fundaccounting, with an optional report writer. Extensive mailing capabilities, tracks dues
ONTPAY40.ZIP 88,246 01-12-94 ONTARIO PAYROLL v4.0; The payroll deductionsare changed effective 1/1/94 ("changed" is apolitical word for "increased"). Thisprogram will enable you to stay on top.
OYB565.ZIP 330,964 07-06-93 Organize! Your Business v5.65; Specializeddatabase designed specifically for cataloginbusiness related information such as:employee records; sales planning; vendorcatalog; office inventory; client list;government re
OYB_I565.ZIP 328,546 07-06-93 Organize! Your Business, Industrial v5.65Specialized database designed specificallyfor cataloging business related informationsuch as: tool inventory, motor inventory;spare parts; vehicles; maintenance records;bill
PA6DOS_1.ZIP 347,897 08-31-93 PAINLESS ACCOUNTING for DOS v6.1 [1/4];General Ledger, Billing, Accounts ReceivableAccounts Payable, Purchases, Reports,Closing, Utilities, and Beginning BalanceSetup. Job Costing, Build Materials, PassworProtection
PA6DOS_2.ZIP 360,957 08-31-93 PAINLESS ACCOUNTING for DOS v6.1 [2/4];General Ledger, Billing, Accounts ReceivableAccounts Payable, Purchases, Reports,Closing, Utilities, and Beginning BalanceSetup. Job Costing, Build Materials, PassworProtection
PA6DOS_3.ZIP 360,957 08-31-93 PAINLESS ACCOUNTING for DOS v6.1 [3/4];General Ledger, Billing, Accounts ReceivableAccounts Payable, Purchases, Reports,Closing, Utilities, and Beginning BalanceSetup. Job Costing, Build Materials, PassworProtection
PA6DOS_4.ZIP 360,958 08-31-93 PAINLESS ACCOUNTING for DOS v6.1 [4/4];General Ledger, Billing, Accounts ReceivableAccounts Payable, Purchases, Reports,Closing, Utilities, and Beginning BalanceSetup. Job Costing, Build Materials, PassworProtection
PACCS20A.ZIP 248,544 06-25-93 PUBLIC ACCESS v2.0 [1/2]; Front-End ControlPC Time Rental Shell For Public Libraries another centers renting IBM-PC computer time tthe casual off-the-street user. Controls thuse of APPLICATIONS and DATA COMMUNICATI
PACCS20B.ZIP 299,819 06-30-93 PUBLIC ACCESS v2.0 [2/2] Control rates byservice, minute, long distanc minute, printepage, session and overall event. Mix freeservices with chargeable services. Free DEMpassword for PRODIGY with Registration. Use
PACKUM.ZIP 120,265 08-22-93 DAYO PACK Databases Utility Program (free)
PB2.ZIP 107,016 08-22-93 DAYO Price Book/List Program (Free)Select from multiple fields & scope...
PCC15.ZIP 344,496 07-15-93 PC Chart v1.5; Stock and commodity chartingprogram, which combines superior charting,database, and telecommunicationscapabilities. Generates commodity and stockcharts and standard technical indicators sucas moving
PCCAP301.ZIP 177,173 01-24-94 PC-ECAP v3.01; AC circuit analysis.Calculates magnitude, phase, group delay,impedance, VSWR, and return loss. Now alsocalculates TRANSIENT response with one of 8waveforms as input. Handles circuits with uto 90 node
PCDEAL.ZIP 153,242 12-01-93 PC-DEAL v2.61; Double Entry Accounts Ledger.Personal accounting & bookkeeping for a smalbusiness or organization. Combines simplicitand versatility. Many reports. Entries ove12 month period. Sub-accounts; user defi
PCFOOD.ZIP 153,701 01-15-94 PC-FOOD PROFESSIONAL FOOD COSTING v5.41; FooCosting for Restaurants/Institutions-Calculates food cost and required sellingprices based on a desired gross profit % and$ amount. Edit portion sizes to see theeffect on
PCSTAT27.ZIP 312,233 01-01-94 PCStat v2.7; Updated statistical andhistogram report program. Easy to use evenfor novices. Pull-down menus and contextsensitive help. Accepts Lotus, ASCII, DIF anprepared dBase data. Reports are professionaand uncom
PDEPRIC5.ZIP 278,024 12-06-93 ProDev*EPRICE V5.0; Price Service interfaceprogram to transfer Trade Service price datato ProDev*QUOTE Material data files.Compatible with Trade Service files in USA,U.K. and Australia.
PDMEMB3A.ZIP 323,050 12-08-93 ProDev*MEMBER v3.0 [1/2]; Program Files forChurch Membership system. Tracks everythingabout anyone involved with the church, givin& attendance.
PDMEMB3B.ZIP 135,388 12-08-93 ProDev*MEMBER v3.0 [2/2]; DocumentationFiles for Church Membership system. Trackseverything about anyone involved with thechurch, giving & attendance.
PDQUOT5A.ZIP 301,398 11-11-93 ProDev*QUOTE V5.0; [1/2] Quote System.Disk 1 of 2 containing program & data.Extremely full featured Quotation or Biddingsystem for any type or size of business.Point & Shoot browse allows rapid preparatioof quote
PDQUOT5B.ZIP 85,107 08-01-93 ProDev*QUOTE V5.0; [2/2] Quote System.Extremely full featured Quotation or Biddingsystem for any type or size of business.Point & Shoot browse allows rapid preparatioof quotes. Uses dBASE III+ compatible files
PP6DOS_1.ZIP 353,009 05-21-93 PAINLESS PAYROLL for DOS v6.1 [1/4]; Moduleconsist of: Payroll Generation, Reports,Files, Closing, and Utilities. Includes:Federal and State Withholding Tax Tables,(also Canadian payroll), Automatic interfaceinto P
PP6DOS_2.ZIP 356,880 08-02-93 PAINLESS PAYROLL for DOS v6.1 [2/4]; Moduleconsist of: Payroll Generation, Reports,Files, Closing, and Utilities. Includes:Federal and State Withholding Tax Tables,(also Canadian payroll), Automatic interfaceinto P
PP6DOS_3.ZIP 356,882 08-02-93 PAINLESS PAYROLL for DOS v6.1 [3/4]; Moduleconsist of: Payroll Generation, Reports,Files, Closing, and Utilities. Includes:Federal and State Withholding Tax Tables,(also Canadian payroll), Automatic interfaceinto P
PP6DOS_4.ZIP 150,587 08-02-93 PAINLESS PAYROLL for DOS v6.1 [4/4]; Moduleconsist of: Payroll Generation, Reports,Files, Closing, and Utilities. Includes:Federal and State Withholding Tax Tables,(also Canadian payroll), Automatic interfaceinto P
PPBAAPGL.ZIP 360,290 12-17-93 Profit Plan: Business Accounting SystemAP & GL Evaluation Disk
PPBAPAY.ZIP 202,107 12-17-93 Profit Plan: Business Accounting SystemPayroll Evaluation Disk
PPBASB.ZIP 208,575 12-17-93 Profit Plan: Business Accounting SystemService Billing Evaluation Disk
PPBAULIL.ZIP 268,165 12-17-93 Profit Plan: Business Accounting SystemSystem Utilities Evaluation Disk
PSP41.ZIP 330,369 07-16-93 THE PARCEL SHIPPING PROGRAM PSP v4.1;Complete UPS Manifest system.Automates yourUPS shipping and eliminates UPS Log Book.Meets all UPS reporting requirements. Isaccepted nationally by UPS. Keeps an addressfile for f
QMV33U.ZIP 274,727 09-15-93 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM v3.3 QualityManagement System is an accounting system foproperty management services. Handlesaccounts payable & receivable, disbursementscash receipts, debits/credits,memo writer.
QUICKPAY.ZIP 926,510 11-01-93 Quick-Pay v3.5; The Medical Insurance BillinSystem.
RECMGT32.ZIP 217,186 12-09-93 RECIPE FILE MANAGEMENT v3.2; Manage file,cost and resize recipes.- For commercial orinstitutional food service operations. Inputedit & print recipes. Cost and resize yieldsResource file helps convert weights/measures
RES101.ZIP 272,564 07-16-93 RESERVATION ASSISTANT v1.01; This programreserves time on up to 100 resources, 3 yearahead for up to 65,000 users from 30 minutesto 24 hours each day. Named resources can befrom rooms or tools to people. Up to 10Fea
RG100SW.ZIP 84,688 11-27-93 Contact Manager Report Generator; Thisprogram allows Contact Manager users tocustomize reports. Using data stored in theContact Manager data files the user cancreate reports specific to their own needsand requiremen
RIDE.ZIP 115,032 11-05-93 RideMatch v1.0; Matches Employees to car orVan pool ASP Author. RideMatch is a completCommute Trip Reduction Program. It has easyto use menus, will sort and match employeesup for a Car or Van Pool to work. Print a
ROCNV111.ZIP 124,284 01-12-94 CONVERSIONS BY ROSEWOOD V1.11 <ASP>Converts between Metric and Imperial for awide range of weights and measures. Workswith mouse or keyboard and has a pop-upcalculator. Freeware from ROSEWOOD SOFTWARE.
ROLV35.ZIP 395,474 09-15-93 ROLLCALL.DBMS Employee Management Systemv3.5; Rollcall is a complete tracking systemfor acute/subacute or convalescent hospitaldevelopment or human resources person.Rollcall can be used in any business thatrequires
ROSEW502.ZIP 146,422 09-21-93 ROSEWOOD JOURNAL v5.02; Powerful, easy to usInvoice Journal and complete AccountsReceivable program designed for small tomedium sized businesses. Easy and intuitivedata entry and a full range of reports arejust a fe
RSTCTL42.ZIP 315,893 12-08-93 RESTAURANT COST CONTROL v4.2; Inventory -Purchases - Accts. Payable Great tool for aSingle unit Restaurant. Take PhysicalInventory by category or location. Prices &extends inventory. Purchase history byproduct or ve
RTK_A.ZIP 328,374 01-07-94 RIGHT-TO-KNOW TRAINING v2.00 [1/2]; TheRight-To-Know Training program can be used aa tool for small businesses implementing thefederal `Hazards Communication Act'. Ittracks employee progress through severallessons
RTK_B.ZIP 288,029 01-07-94 RIGHT-TO-KNOW TRAINING v2.00 [2/2]
SALEJR1A.ZIP 709,425 07-21-93 Salemaxx Jr. v1.0a: Son of Salemaxx Sr.Fantastic point of sale software. Autoinventory, reports, bar code, cash drawer,drawer, and many more features
SBA93_3A.ZIP 340,129 07-01-93 SMALL BUSINESS ADVISOR v93/3 [1/2] Expert,tax/legal consultant-on-a-disk. Advises yourbusiness on vast range of busi- ness, legal,tax issues. Over 600 pages up-to date info(Fed & all 50 states), by a Harvardlawyer/C
SBA93_3B.ZIP 357,252 07-01-93 SMALL BUSINESS ADVISOR v93/3 [2/2] Expert,tax/legal consultant-on-a-disk. Createsbusiness plan, personnel policies, and givesyou text info in form of "smart" (custom)files. Wide range of up-to-date info ontaxes, O
SD40COMM.ZIP 612,065 07-27-93 The Online SalesDoor v4.0 [4/4]; TheSalesDoor Remote User Communications IncludeCLICKCOM: Full Communications with PCXviewing capabilities. SALESPCX:Communications TSR: for PCX viewingcapabilities using other commu
SD40DOCS.ZIP 314,463 07-22-93 The Online SalesDoor v4.0 [3/4]; TheSalesDoor Documentation and Online HelpSystem files and executables.
SD40SYST.ZIP 383,105 07-27-93 The Online SalesDoor v4.0; The SalesDoor hasbeen improved with the addition of BTRieveDatabase capabilities, online viewing ofproduct PCX's, full set of menu driven Sysoputilities, credit card validation, securityle
SD40UTIL.ZIP 553,957 07-27-93 The Online SalesDoor v4.0 [2/4]; TheSalesDoor Sysop Utilities and Configurationfiles and executables.
SETUP.ZIP 46,741 08-22-93 DAYO Setup, used with 5.25 disks, to HD(No good with .ZIP files or filesalready on hard drive)
SIMST1.ZIP 355,684 02-05-94 SIMSTAT v3.0 Program disk [1/2]; Easy &powerful statistics and simulation analysisprogram with mouse support, pulldown menu,context sensitive help. Reads Lotus, dBase,ASCII files. Provides descriptive,frequency, cr
SIMST2.ZIP 134,486 02-01-94 SIMSTAT v3.0 Utility disk [2/2]; IncludesSIMEDIT v1.3, a spreadsheet data editor:Import Lotus, dBase, SPSS, & ASCII; exportdBase, SPSS, ASCII file; conditionaltransformation with more than 47 operatorsand functions;
ST-BGT19.ZIP 389,466 11-28-93 ST-BUDGET v1.9; budgeting and tracking systewhich is designed for Business, EducationInstitute and Corporate use. Key featuresinclude User-Defined Organization Groups andUnits, Multi-Level Chart of Accounts,Numerous
STOCK110.ZIP 148,582 07-20-93 THE STOCK ANALYST v1.10; A powerful, yet easto use stock analysis program. Featuresinclude: Buy/sell analysis of stocks; Line,Bar, P&F Charts; Up to 1,500 stocks with32,000 prices each; Entirely menu driven;Context-
SURVEYP2.ZIP 133,766 12-04-93 SURVEY POWER v2.0; Create, analyze, & printout demographic & correlation results to yousurveys. Accepts single choice, multiplechoice, rank order, text entry, andcumulative type questions. Up to 9 choicesper questi
TASKMST.ZIP 155,879 12-22-93 TASK MASTER 1.1 <ASP> A time management tooldesigned to help you organize your work. Thiversatile work planner is capable of mostneeds from simple to-do list to outlining antime-line project management. Easy to usew
TAXFAX.ZIP 62,132 11-28-93 TAXFAX93.ZIP v1.0 - Electronic Tax Filing 931040EZ Series A full-featured electronicforms package for filing your 1040EZ returnelectron- ically to the IRS. You're faxingform to be filed electronically.
TC23S.ZIP 278,868 05-03-93 Timeclock I, Version 2.3s; TimeClock wasdesigned to modernize the timekeeping andpayroll tasks of everyday business life.Not only does TimeClock eliminate the need tmanually tabulate old fashion time cards, ica
TD101.ZIP 352,207 08-08-93 TREASURER'S DELIGHT v1.01; This applicationis a multifunction program designed forApartment buildings, Condo and HomeownersAssociations etc. Complete billing andcrediting of accounts. Keeps track of "Unitslike Apart
TIM23.ZIP 200,985 09-08-93 TIME IS MONEY v2.3; Time and fixed pricebilling and accounting system that completelautomates your billing and receivables. Itsupports time billing in any increment andalso the sale of equipment or fixed pricecontr
TLC600.ZIP 365,557 12-15-93 THE TRUCK DATA SYSTEM v6; Vehicle maintenencrecord system- Vehicle maint. record system.Tracks repairs, fuel, parts, tires,schedules. Reports cost per mile/km. Canselect metric & date format. Optional workorders & N
TRAXX.ZIP 580,663 06-22-93 TRAXX Point-of-Sale System v1.10 The TRAXXPoint of Sale software was designed as afully functional, no nonsense package thatwill assist retail business Menu guided;Allows Tax Exempt transactions; UpdatesInventory wi
TRED21.ZIP 161,366 08-12-93 TREEPLAN for DOS v2.1; Decision tree softwarfor structuring risky decisions. Showsequence of decisions and events over time.Print tree diagrams. Solve for optimalstrategy. Perform sensitivity analysis ofprobability,
TRKIT307.ZIP 329,435 12-29-93 Track-It 3.07 Inventory/POS package.Includes a wide range of inventory functionsinvoicing, order entry, PO's, 35+ reports, 4pricing levels, custom invoices, and tracksserialized stock. Supports Canadian GST andpost
UNDBAR22.ZIP 86,661 06-04-93 UnderBar v2.2 (ASP) - a TSR (memory-residentprogram which prints an 11-digit DeliveryPoint Bar Code under any address which endsin a ZIP+4 code. UnderBar is totallyautomatic and works with whatever wordprocessor, m
UNITCST1.ZIP 120,671 11-16-93 Unitcost v1.0; Price jobs on a per unit cost
VEHI22.ZIP 133,312 07-18-93 VEHICLE COSTS v2.2; Monitor the costs ofoperating 1 or more vehicles. Display orprint reports of purchases by category oritem name. Yearly reports of fuel cost,consumption, distance travelled, repair andservice cost
VEND12GB.ZIP 217,029 12-31-93 THE DISK VENDOR sales catalog system.For businesses who need an interactiveon-line disk based catalog for theircustomers. Complete instructions andcompiler is included to show you howto make your own catalog that c
VMSYS27.ZIP 229,078 09-08-93 VMSYS PLUS v2.7; vehicle management system.Keeps track of 2 vehicles. Includes: mileaggraph, MPG graph, warranty expiration, triplogs, oil change history, repair history,graphs, reports. Miles and Kilometres scale(
WHYSWISS.ZIP 33,534 09-24-93 The Swiss Money Disk, by Adam Starchild. Forpeople with money to protect-- regardless ofthe amount-- Switzerland is traditionallyconsidered the world's safest repository.These days, the Swiss can give Americans manr
WQ20.ZIP 213,198 11-27-93 WORKQUEUE(TM) v2.0C; Staff-driven,skills-based work scheduler- WorkQueue(tm)2.0c schedules work for up to 25 people and1000 tasks over 2 years. Uses skills toassign work; holidays and vacations;optimizes staff utili
XPENS13.ZIP 43,887 12-29-93 XPENS v1.3 <ASP>Expense Account Reporting Program. Designedto provide employers and employees with aquick and easy way to enter expense accountinformation and print expense reports.Eliminates the need to do all the
YI2V23.ZIP 300,280 09-15-93 FYI2 / BUSINESS OFFICE MANAGER v2.3 Completebut simple Business Office Manager. Resumewriter , cardex, mailing labels. Unlimiteduser-defined reports. Simple Personal PhoneDirectory Has pull-down menus, contextsensit
ZPACK117.ZIP 286,750 01-13-94 ZIPPER PAYROLL ver 1.7 Ed Protas <ASP> -Payroll for small business with optionalQuicken export. Includes 1994 tax tables.Easy error correction. Print checks, exportto Quicken, or write them by hand. Prints W-& quar
ZPACK217.ZIP 244,494 01-13-94 ZIPPER PAYROLL ver 1.7 Ed Protas <ASP> -Payroll for small business with optionalQuicken export. Includes 1994 tax tables.Easy error correction. Print checks, exportto Quicken, or write them by hand. Prints W-& quar
ZPAY38A.ZIP 315,296 01-01-94 ZPAY 3 v3.8 Payroll System [1/2]; Pay by anypay period; hourly, salaried, commissioned,non-employee workers; prints Checks, W2s,1099-MISC forms and reports galore! Built-indata backup and restore with filecompressio
ZPAY38B.ZIP 361,841 01-01-94 ZPAY 3 v3.8 Payroll System [2/2]; Pay by anypay period; hourly, salaried, commissioned,non-employee workers; prints Checks, W2s,1099-MISC forms and reports galore! Built-indata backup and restore with filecompressio